Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Angels Unawares

Today, not such a bad day!
The headache was less severe (4-6 range)
The mood was much improved over yesterday *Thank God!!!

The workload hasn't been horrible, but has been steady, and I've managed to be at least somewhat productive. I have been able to guage as the headache would rise with certain activity, and detour my thoughts and attention to other items. I'd go on to something else and the headache would recede a bit. Thankful for those days when it's a slow climb, and Im able to prevent the severity.

I've had very little downtime where I could not function and had to stop altogether- which is good.

Today- definitely a huge step up from the past two days.

I want to also give a wonderful person a shoutout. I have positive, uplifting people all around me and it always touches my heart. I realized yesterday that God sends me special angels everyday and I need to give thanks for that each time it reaches in and moves me to do so... Today, the lovely Miss Janet, who is a coworker- came to see me on a business matter, but her care and concern was simply delightful. Just being near her and her kind heart, and empathetic ear lifted my spirits. I can attribute a huge part of todays success in the mood department to the simplicity of that friendship and concern, and to this, I am grateful for the Angels on earth whose very presence is uplifting! Thank you Miss Janet, and thank you, God!

Oh, and also, Thank GOD for Ta Die For Cupcakes, Ta Have and Ta Hold Cupcakes (maybe if im right in that he sends us what uplifts our spirits, he will send me one of these!? )

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