Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Light up the Darkness

It's been a week since my last post.. lots going on in life. Mostly fatigue.
I have been pretty tired lately. Sleeping a lot. Spending time with family and friends in the meantime- as I have been able. My mood is improving overall, and I am doing well with some of the ailments. The headache is still ever present- but lets up from time to time, so that it doesn't seem to be a focus to nag at me from the depths of hell. Sometimes its all I can do to force myself to move forward.
I had a good, but rough weekend. The good was time with family and friends. The rough was working through the pain- head and body. I worked two 12 hours shifts. Such is life.

Such is life!

I watched I am legend the other day, for the dozenth time. Is that a word? Dozenth?
The line in the movie toward the end, and again at the end came to me - and sticks with me even now.
Light up the Darkness... made me think of this photo from a few years ago.

also of how we all live in the light, or the darkness- and hide in the shadows.
I most often want to hide in the shadows.
I've lived much of my life this way.

Today, Im ok with a little light from time to time.. but still like the dark.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ma Fia

Headache today was a midgrade- nothing horrible.
Productivity had its peaks and valleys.
Overall a good day! I feel a little clearer today in way.
It's made me think of a few things... good things...

In the 12th grade, I did my term paper on the Mafia.
I discovered that one possible and likly origin of the word Mafia.. was in the 1400's when a Palermo maiden was being raped by a group of French soldiers, and her mother cried out Ma Fia Ma Fia... and her family came to rescue and lynched the french soldiers who violated her.

It was said then that it seemed that mafia was a group- opposed to the literal translation of the term Ma Fia.


I have a great family.

I don't always praise them or see them or spend time with them... but I do. I have a wonderful family.
At home, and at work!

The people who choose to love us and be a part of our circle of support and trust.

That's family.
Blood and love- bound by spirit!

Ma Fia- without whom I could not endure.
I was silent in my illness for a very long time, afraid it was something in my mind- not knowing it was something beyond my control in my head.
Since I have come about about the illness, and shared the details of my struggle, I realize how fortunate I am to have such amazing, loving and strong family and friends in my corner!

Thank God for them! !!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Promise of a New Day

Hangin around, nothin to do but frown...
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

Am I dating myself to sing the Carpenter's?

Yesterday was Monday and it was grey and rainy.

Overall it was an alright day.

My headache ebbed and flowed and sometimes it sucked- but I got through the day alright.
My mood is greatly improved with my increase of Celexa.

This I can be grateful for!

Today, has been a busy day.

My Director, Jacque came to me today, who is ever loving and observative and has told me in the past two days it is clear I have come up somewhat out of my funk- and she sees ME.

I feel a bit more like me all over again. Little bit by little bit, I will find my way around this!
I will not give up. I will not let it define me or hinder me.

My best was way UP HERE and now, I can only reach half way to where I was... on my very best days... and I know Ill have good days and bad days- but I will charish those good days!

Give my dad his first stroke and took from him his triumph that I am his child and I can find a way around it.

This is the new me. This is my new path in life and like it or lump it.. I need to make the best of it!

 Each day is a gift and a promise and the only promise is that if it gets here, it is yours to make the most of!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Just a Sunday not a Funday

Woke to light piercing through my eyelids. I employed the use of the blanket over my face to help shield it for a bit while I acclimated to being awake.
Headache an 8.
It took a little while to move and motivate.
My body is still sore, like its been for a few weeks, but I did a few of the PT exercises I learned last year when my back was out... and I went to a chiropractor. ... helped.

It's rough... but I'm gonna be okay.
I will be. I will be. I will be. I WILL BE OKAY!

Currently the headache is a 6, so it's not as bad as it started. (winning)
I took my meds and am feeling high somehow. That happens now that the antidepressant is doubled- but its alright. it only happens for a little while then lets up.

I wish I could have a Dr. Pepper right now. It sounds so good.

I wish today was a day to stay in my jammies all day and not have to leave the house for anything, and get to watch movies and nap, or read- but its not happening. I was called on to do a favor for the family. Give me my shades to block out the light and not have to think about much... and yes, Absolutely. I'll enjoy that too! :-) It involves a little bit of a drive with four of my favorite sweet hearted, goofball kiddos! <3

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Turtle Shell; Room for One!

I skipped posting yesterday. It was a busy day. In to work, phone calls and e-mails. A trip to Waldo for a Unit Lunch... G & R rocks. Mmmm.... Butterscotch pie!

A trip followed to go to Wal-Mart for car seats with our maintenance man, Demp. I love that man. My body was aching and sore throughout, but got worse as the ay progressed. I was so stiff! But mustered through it...

I then proceeded to finish up my day- by the time I left at 530, I was so exhausted. I was in bed by 6:15pm and until about noon today, totally worthless ever after as well- accomplishing only a shower and cleanup of the puppys shredded mess. Six pairs of shoes wasted, a coupe o them expensive shoes I had only worn once or twice- safe under my bed? Not so much....  and my only functional phone charger- serves me right in leaving her uncrated whilst sleeping for almost 16 hours, eh? (note: I did get up to take dogs out and play a little, in the middle of the night, and agan early morning...  but was soon asleep again).

I've done very little today around the house, when I had planned on going in to work. I feel like it's about time for another nap. I am definitely in my own shell today... :( so sick and tired of always being sick and tired....

Not sure what makes me feel this way-
Headache 8.
Body aches 10.
Vision Blurry
Body- trembling.

Do I have a summer Flu?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Play Pretend

"Help, Rescue Girl, Help! I am stuck on this mountain and I cannot get down!"

"I will save you, and your little brother too!"

Today, I got a call as I was heading in to work, to pick up some food for kiddos that were removed early this morning. I did. Then proceeded to hold, feed, bond with and play in the visitation rooms for two hours with two very dirty, very sweet young ones. The little girl, age 6, was vibrant an beautiful and full of spirit and grace. The little boy, sweet and cuddly and very taken by me. Evidently I was only one of two people he was okay with who were present in his morning. He smiled and beamed at me. I melted!

The headache was about a 6, but was pale in comparison to the back pain. I had a fall in the spring that led to major ache and pain in the tailbone area. I've been sleeping in the recliner in  hopes of relieving/reducing the head pressure... but its either my  head or my ass, I guess!

The rain was not helping.

Overall today was an alright day. I took my afternoon break in my cousin Ronda's office in lieu of my own... for a change of scenery. I never do that!

Sometimes a different view is all we need to uplift us!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Angels Unawares

Today, not such a bad day!
The headache was less severe (4-6 range)
The mood was much improved over yesterday *Thank God!!!

The workload hasn't been horrible, but has been steady, and I've managed to be at least somewhat productive. I have been able to guage as the headache would rise with certain activity, and detour my thoughts and attention to other items. I'd go on to something else and the headache would recede a bit. Thankful for those days when it's a slow climb, and Im able to prevent the severity.

I've had very little downtime where I could not function and had to stop altogether- which is good.

Today- definitely a huge step up from the past two days.

I want to also give a wonderful person a shoutout. I have positive, uplifting people all around me and it always touches my heart. I realized yesterday that God sends me special angels everyday and I need to give thanks for that each time it reaches in and moves me to do so... Today, the lovely Miss Janet, who is a coworker- came to see me on a business matter, but her care and concern was simply delightful. Just being near her and her kind heart, and empathetic ear lifted my spirits. I can attribute a huge part of todays success in the mood department to the simplicity of that friendship and concern, and to this, I am grateful for the Angels on earth whose very presence is uplifting! Thank you Miss Janet, and thank you, God!

Oh, and also, Thank GOD for Ta Die For Cupcakes, Ta Have and Ta Hold Cupcakes (maybe if im right in that he sends us what uplifts our spirits, he will send me one of these!? )

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Salve for My Shattered Heart

Today was a bad day.

Bad headache, forcing myself through to get to work, late, but present, despite feeling how I did.

Meeting with our HR guy to discuss my intermittent FMLA.

Turns out, I cannot speak out loud even to people I wouldn't normally EVER cry around about how I am literally losing myself piece by piece... without crying.

Or getting Pissed off.

Most of the time, it just pisses me off, but make me cry and I get more pissed off.
Make me cry in front of someone- and I'm livid.

Tears are reserved for alone time, or extremely sentimental moments.
Tears are to be controlled around others. Not to flow freely; ever unless I choose them to.
I was rendered speechless a few times, the tears choking me out.

I could really have disappeared today after that meeting.

He was wonderful and kind; caring, of course... me though... absolute mess.

I dipped into the ladies room to get myself together before someone saw me and asked what was wrong. I thought I was alright, put my hootie owl glasses on to hide the red rim, shiny eyes... but as I returned to my office, burst into tears again in front of another co-worker. A dear friend, actually- but no less humiliating. I freaking HATE to cry in front of people.

Suck it up, Motz....

More feeling discouraged agitated and hurting when talking to my partner, who with her fiercely loving heart, didn't seem to understand what I was trying to say- pissing myself off more because I couldn't convey myself as needed.
Upset at myself even more, because its impossible to hide the red rim around my nose and lips and eyes, even with the shades on.

I'm usually a master at Masking my emotions. Today, total fail.

The tears only went away completely for a while today while I was picking up a friends son. Tiernan. Such a vibrant young 3 year old with an amazing sense of intelligence, and humor! We giggled and plotted and giggled some more. I needed that blessing!

His giggles were salve to my shattered heart, even if only for a while. Thank you young sir! Much love to you and your silliest self! <3

Tears again- I'm over this day!

But them hootie-owl specs tho!

Pseudo Tumor Cerebri Information

Pseudo Tumor Cerebri
"False Brain Tumor"

Also known as Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension.

Idiopathic, because they do not know a cause.
It generally  happens to overweight women of child bearing age, heredity plays a part in many cases, but not all. (so far we know of no others in my family with this condition) It can, however strike anyone, and no cause is known. There is also no cure. There are treatments which work for some, not for all.

What is it?

Lack of absorption of cerebral spinal fluid- which then builds up around the brain and creates massive pressure, simulating a crushing effect on the brain.

Can lead to blindness.

Mimics a Large Brain Tumor. (see symptoms below; I have asterisked the symptom I am struggling with)


MRI, CT Scan, other imaging of the brain, Lumbar Puncture (spinal tap) - that's the only confirmation of the disease, and the only way to measure pressure. (This procedure feels like your spine is being shoved through your abdominal wall, and can lead to flulike symptoms and inability to walk properly for a couple of days after.)


Daily: (top)
Diamox- a special water pill designed to work with fluid in the head.
Topomax- a nerve suppressant, which works toward daily migraine suppressant.
Antidepressants- because most people with a chronic disease end up being depressed.
depends on the person, but some will take a daily allergy pill for its analgesic properties regarding the faculties which deal with migraines.

AND...daily medicines like Aleve or Advil- all work together like a cocktail to help minimize daily migraines.

Potentially Routine/repeated procedures:

Spinal Taps (lumbar punctures) to pull off extra pressure. (this is the only way to test the level of pressure)
Brain Shunts- to create a constant drainage from the excess fluid.

Symptoms/Complications: (I will asterisk the symptoms  I am dealing with)

*Increased Intracranial pressure
*-Vision loss/blurred vision/double vision/tunnel vision (no loss, but the other things are true at times)
*Sleep issues

Atrophy of the optic nerve
3rd cranial nerve disorder
6th cranial nerve disorder
*Hearing problems/ringing in the ears
systemic hypertension
Sinus Bradycardia

More acute cases:
*Mood /Personality or behavioral changes (occasional)
*Mental confusion (severe)
*Memory, concentration and cognitive function loss (rapid and increasing)
*Hormonal disorders
*Speech disorder (mild/occasional so far)
Balance disorder
Chronic Brain Failure (similar to dementia- having signs of..)
Respiratory failure type 2
Cheyne-Stokes respirations

There are more, but this is as far as I can bare to go right now.. it's been an all day post, as it is...

This is more on the disease, less on me! Just so you all see clearly what the disease is.

Thanks for reading, my friends!

Food for thought of the day: Nature in all of its glory... may give us an ugly place to exist in... but will somehow gift us with beauty!


Monday, June 22, 2015

Kaleidoscope Days

Prisms on the wall of my soul
I fight to release the demons within
Fears and frustrations from life passing by
stopped suddenly just as it started to begin


That could be a beautiful soulful profession... but concentrating on it now is making my eyes feel swollen, and my head is lobbing - as it often does. Today was a migraine day. Level 9-10. It was a level 9 headache... but it's definitely flipped script on me. Its back to a level 9 headache after the medication, but still a severe headache. I can't lay own and sleep and I can't just stare into space any longer. Rumdumb. A term my daddy used to use. Now, I know that shit full force. ! RUM DUMB.
Basic thoughts that used to be fluid are a struggle.
I can type things I cannot speak, and I cannot write things I used to write- short stories, poetry, all a struggle at times. I think of speaking as I write my blog, so there's a lacking in my flow in my mind- in telling a story that is real, not fiction. I used to be so good at fiction. Not as much now. Here, you get it how I'd speak it, instead of the once eloquent flow people used to speak of in my writings.

Damn this disease.

Sunday was a good day. No major headache. Productive housework in the morning, photography and wonderful companionship throughout the rest of the day. There were no challenges to my thought processes, no headaches to speak of (it was present but unfocused; unimportant)

Today has been a little less easy, even from the beginning of it, as I've woken up and tried to focus myself to get on point with what needs done.

Because often, I have no energy left, I knew I needed to do something more productive at home while I was here, while I had it in me to do. I woke up early... so I sorted laundry upon waking what needs folded, hung in the closet or hung on the door. A pile for the panty drawer, and a pile of sheets, towels and washrags.

Its  a simple, thoughtless process, right? It took my level 3-4 headache up to a 9. So I sat motionless for a long time Sam came to curl up beside me, his head on my lap, looking sadly at me, and Panda came to join me on the other side, both leaning on me their healing heat and love. They are my greatest medication right now...  At level 7, it was time to get ready for work.  At what level headache do you call off work?

Mine has to wait to a level 9-10 for me. I'm out of sick time!

Before I could even muster the energy to shower, I stood up and like a lightning bolt, sat back down. The page had turned. The script had flipped... note the level 9 was just a headache- not a level 7-10 migraine.. yes, there is a difference, yes, I know what that difference is! Do you? In almost an instant as I stood up too fast and you know that usual head rush we all get from time to time? That head rush sent me into a full blast migraine. I took my meds right away. The last of my Imitrex, as I've not yet picked up the other (that was on the agenda for this evening) and nothing short of disappointing.... I curled into the small space remaining on the bed where clothes were not in heaps of organized chaos and Panda came up to let me snuggle her like a teddy bear. I closed my eyes, as tears fell, soaking her fur. Her breathing changed as my heart beat slowed down and some of the pressure relieved. There is something so powerful in the physical comfort of love.

She's bigger now at 5 months (here she was barely two months) But I love this picture, where she is curled up on my pillow, nuzzling up to me, so cozy. Love. This was actually where she spent hours curled up to me in one position or another the day of my first spinal tap, as I had to lay for hours and hours and hours...
So many thoughts in my head about this damn disease... such love for my little baby. The physical comfort was wonderful. Hunny curled up on one side of me, Sam on the other and I was pinned to the bed, unable to move, not wanting to. I love these fur-babies. Hunny Mae, Sammy Sun and Panda Beara! (sickening little nicknames for my little loves) Hunny is not mine, she is only in my care for a little while,  but tell that to my heart!

I hate this disease.

In the course of a normal day, I go from zero to 100 in a minute.

One minute I am laughing and talking like normal, the next I am literally struck down, silent and motionless. Sometimes I recover slowly from those moments. Sometimes they last for hours or days.

Today was one of those days with repeated peaks, but never a recession to the massive flow of pain. I was rendered unconscious a few times before I was able to even message my boss- she said ok. my partner said she hopes I feel better... yes, please! I'm sitting here mid day thinking I could maybe go in, get a few hours in, but why if I know Ill be unproductive, getting up and getting dogs out has knocked me backwards

I think about the 12 spoons theory I read about regarding chronic pain. I identify with them completely. Essentially it goes that you have 12 spoons each day, and each task you need to do takes x number of spoons and you have to learn to budget them and use them accordingly. I think I've mastered this but sometimes just getting out of bed, showering and tending to the dogs takes half a days worth of spoons. As the story goes, you can choose to use more spoons if  you need to, but remember you are taking from the next days budget.

Here is when it finally makes sense about Mondays. I often call off on Mondays. My pain threshold is high, mind you, but I will miss a Monday in a heartbeat because I cannot tolerate the pain. As I sit here typing now, the headache is still about a level seven. I'm grateful it receded back to a headache from a migraine, but still... sick to my stomach because of it. I cannot think of eating or force myself to drink without gagging. What is THAT!  I think about how I must have used too many spoons yesterday as I had an effortless, nearly painless day. And I'm sad, because why would a person have to suffer through hell on a Monday for a peaceful, relaxing day on Sunday? So now, thinking of it I'm in tears... which again flips the script and Now I'm Angry. ANGRY! I have also had a harder time on Thursday mornings getting myself in order to come in. IT makes sense, since Wednesday afternoons were our hectic days at work. I also am completely exhausted come Friday. I used to work longer days and work half days Fridays, if at all... I can barely push through an 8 hour day most days now I will stay 10-11 if I feel good that day, but that's waning too. Again ANGRY!

Most of the time, since the first tap, as these days come; peaks and valleys and such, I have been grateful for the valleys, more than I was upset by the peaks, ... when you get a modicum of relief from time to time, what do you do with it? Cherish all in this life which is precious and rare, even that which seems so mundane and ordinary! Today even my valleys were treacherous. and again, I am pissed off about this disease. My peaks are powerful, but my valleys don't have the same dips they did before. Not okay.

Pseudotumor Cerebri is a filthy thief- and I am sick of sitting by and letting it steal my days and my peace, and my wellness and my memories and my ability to be my best. Along with this my pride in self and my ability to hold my head high and know I am powerful to keep my shit together. Now, My shit's scattered in a mess all over the ever loving floor. FUCK! (again, I'm sorry for the vulgarity, but honestly- keeping it real, I'm becoming NOT sorry! I'm mad as hell!)

My greatest fear in life has always been being helpless and powerless to help or save others. I am realizing today how it feels myself to be powerless to help myself and DAMN it, I am ANGRY.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Game Changer

"How you been doing," Jessica asked as she walked into the examining room.

"Hangin' in there," I said; loaded response, wouldn't you say?

"Have you started back to school yet?"

"No, I've not been able to make that happen yet," I said earnestly.

"So tell me, why just hangin' in there" She asked, notably alarmed by my response.

I thought of doing as I have always done with medical providers, and as I found myself doing moderately with my neurologist a few weeks prior... and gave bare minimum.... but this time around I did it all...  I opened up about what was really happening. The good, the bad and the ugly. Without playing it off like I was okay. Because ... I'm not!

As I spoke to my PA, Jessica, at Dr. Aurora's office, I was moved to see glistening tears in her eyes as I told her about my struggles, not just the medical, but the mental and financial. I dived deepest into the incidents of the most recent past- and how Id not been taking the Topamax and was still experiencing the memory issues, the aphasia, and dyslexia. In short, I told her everything I needed to tell her as my medical provider.

She told me before when she first brought up my depression in February (before I had mentioned it to her) that is was clear I was the masking type- and something in our conversations, however brief and professional, led me to trust and confide in her completely.

I told her things I hadn't told even my closest family members or friends about how I was struggling so badly that I haven't been able to afford my medications, even after insurance, they range up to 200 a month for everything. On top of a new car payment and insurance premium, this was too much and to eat and have gas money for work as well.

I let her know how I was struggling with getting out of bed in the mornings and how short lived the relief of the first tap had been, and how less lively the relief from tap number two was.

I told her how I was struggling so badly that I was about to give up my apartment, and in my own mind, my independence and move in with my brother Chuck and his family for a few months to get myself back on track, and take some pressure off, helping them in the process. (thankful to Chuck, Amy and Seth for allowing me to do this!!- but upset, angry and disappointed in myself that I need to do this. "my fault" or not, dammit NO! Just f'n NO! I've busted my ass to get where I am, and I haven't done anything wrong to jack things up like this- so why am I being "punished"- not punished living with my brother and his family, per say, but I prefer to live alone and don't ever want to be intrusive or burdensome on anyone- why now?)

I told her how humiliating it is to have these episodes of memory loss so acute that each and every day I am triple and quadruple checking my every step to a point I sit still unable to function at times; totally overwhelmed. Sometimes a full day will go by and I won't know what I did aside from the positive interaction with the visitors and the calls and immediate needs that would come up. As long as it doesn't require any problem solving, or in depth memory tasks, I do okay- anything beyond that, even things that were once second nature to me - gone.

I told her lots of things as she asked questions leading to more struggles and more issues that were building up- most of which the root cause being my disease.

She used some of the greater active listening skills I had seen in a medical professional, and she didn't blow smoke up my ass, or try to sugar coat anything. She did however still maintain that there could be a ray of hope for recovery, but noted that this was not going to be an overnight process.

Jessica doubled my antidepressant, researched every medication to find the cheapest place for each and then came the game changer.

Again, here paraphrasing:

I would say its time to talk to your employer about short term disability. I really think its vital for you to step back and focus on your recovery. The stress it puts on you to continue to try to make things work that are beyond your control is counterproductive.

Short Term Disability.
Short Term Disability.
Short Term.

The words reverberate in my mind and made me both relieved and upset.
Relief that what I had going on was legit and serious enough for a medically excused absence... and upset because damn it, I'm a strong independent woman who has never not worked. Im the person with two jobs, a fulltime course load, and doing freelance photography jobs as well until all of this came along and threw me a curveball and kept knocking me back down as things got worse in ways I never dreamed.

My initial response to the disease was FEAR that I would go blind, and not be able to see to read, write do my photography and photo edits I so love. I prayed to God to keep my vision, and he did. My eyes are perfectly wonderfully healthy.

The problem is the flip side to that- with the severity of my disease, is I am losing cognitive function. I have good days and bad days. I have memory loss, and my ability to problem solve is at times remiss completely.

Some days, I surprise myself and feel almost totally normal until I try to focus and then I fall flat on my face with disappointment that I cannot seem to pull it together no matter how hard I try.

I'd thought of that In reality as I was dropping out of classes in January, I was also considering how foolish I had been in the fall not to have taken that add on during open enrollment.

I realize I cannot continue on the path I am in my job and do any good for my position- but what could I do short of resigning. But what would I do about insurance and medical care then? What would I do about another job, what job could I do? I can still do my home health care. But the pay is crap in comparison. The benefits, essential. And then the photography- I am effortless with this.. its one of the easiest things for me- photography- it seems (thank GOD) to be untouched.

The next logical step is FMLA

The problem is I have used over 150 hours of sick and vacation time this year alone in dealing with this disease and am out. OUT. down to a few hours at best, between the two.

She told me of another option, still with FMLA, but wherein there was the ability to use it intermittently as needed rather than for a set, extended period of time. Those days will come without pay in the absence of leave time, but will medically excuse me, preserve my position and give me the opportunity to take off as needed.

I left her office both broken hearted and feeling a sense of acceptance. I have shard my struggles little by little at work, and my supervisor and management have been very kind and understanding. My partner has listened as I've cried talking about how pissed off, and hurt I am that I just can't seem to "get it together" but at last, I have in my opinion some kind of evidence that I'm not just exaggerating the situation. I had started to wonder if psychologically I had been for some reason.

The conversation I had with G not too long ago, G being my partner at work- and longtime dear friend... is that I felt like I have repeatedly been on positive paths and am consistently given roadblocks to which I have in my opinion, gracefully and sometimes clumsily found a new path and carried on, despite those setbacks.

I told G that I felt like I was where I was supposed to be though and as right as it all felt and seemed for me, God didn't want the path I was on and I had been too stubborn to have listened when he had tried to lead me elsewhere so he sent me this lightning bolt... and with this, he said it is time to sit down somewhere and be vigilant.

Like it or not I have a brain disease and it is stopping me from doing what I need to do-
But I am (despite the bad days) keeping a positive attitude, and going to do the best I can with what I have- and try to take it just as it comes- One day at a time.
Truth be told, with this disease it is often more like hour by hour... but Ill take it as it comes- either way.

Like my wonderful supervisor 'The Bristoll" had shared with me in a quote she gifted me a few years ago... (quoted in an earlier blog, I think) "Things generally work out best for those who make the most of the way things work out."
She was wonderful by the way, when I came in and told her about Jessica's advisement and the intermittent fmla. I knew she would be. I also knew she understood my struggles- but it had never prevented me from feeling like I was letting her down when I couldn't "get it together".

Truth be told, I am not the same person I was for the first two and a half years of my employment there.. and I don't like the person I've become. No excuse makes the shell of a person I've become acceptable to me, even a medical one.

I'm so fucking frustrated! (sorry for the cursing, Ill try to limit it- but if we are being real at all in this blog- the good the bad and the ugly will be revealed!) And once in a while- ever so often The F bomb is the only appropriate response I can come up with to convey my emotions!

So... I gave my notice to my landlord, and shared the reasons why and a copy of my dr excuse- just so he knows. He has told me he gives me an A+ rating and welcomes me to use him as a reference when I'm ready to get myself back in to my own place! Stellar! I love my apartment though and as much as I know I need to move- I DONT WANT TO!

Trying to find the silver lining here- and coming up with only gratitude that my brothers family is able to open their home to me, and glad to get to spend more time with them! That's a pretty silver lining, even if the flipside is so ugly to me.

Snapchat after my last spinal tap... you can see the pain in my eyes and forehead...

I know I've blogged this 3 times in one day, but I wanted to get everything up to date so I can start my regular posts as they come. I hope to do daily, but if you've followed my blogs at all or get the jist of this disease, please just know I will do the best I can.

Painscale 1-10... Currently an 8.
I realize that it may seem I am doing a good job (despite poor grammar and typos) to relay the events and situation here... But it is not without severe pain to do so.

Time for some more medicine... and then hopefully soon- sleep.

Speckles of Light in The Dark

I have two quotes hanging on my bedroom wall and I stare at them often. One a quote I wrote in a screenplay from 2005 and another I found on the world wide web.

"THERE'S NOT ALWAYS LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes just night and another really long tunnel but somehow we get through" AM JOHNSON 2005

And the next I am paraphrasing here:

"We cannot live in the light all of the time. Sometimes we have to take the light into the dark with us."

I cannot think of her name but I feel her truth to my core.

In March I experienced relief from the 4month headache. I was able to do tasks i hadnt in a while. Not all but some. The positivity i had at this time  was profound to me  and I must admit I miss it now.

I started to realize how far gone id been. My awesome supervise said it hadn't shown how oblivious id been becoming which meant a lot because id worked hardest at making it seem like i was okay; just as id done my whole life in every emotional struggle Id faced.

My partner, who is also a dear longtime friend who knew me in my prime before even the uterine bleeding of 2007-2012 had taken its toll... knew I was not alright. She has the ability to look at me when I walk in the room and within seconds gauge my pain and my coherence.

I started to notice things.. like my cousin Ronda would wear a blouse and Id compliment her, ask if it was new and she'd crinkle her nose and let me know she'd been wearing it all winter. Conversations came and went and it was clearer and clearer for or a while just how
Far gone I had truly been.

This relief of the pain and coming to terms with my illness became a sort of awakening. awakening. An awakening that i wasn't being lazy and that it wasn't about just sucking it up. And getting my head out of my ass. I could stop beating myself up for how far gone id been and learn my way through it.

It was an awakening to my stubborn self that I had a disease and there was hope through the dark.

I wish I could say the effects of the first tap lasted and that the meds made me better and better. They did at first... then... not so much.

TOPOMAX. 25mg. Added with 2aleve and an allergy pill everyday. My daily migraine cocktail. IMITREX as a rescue medicine for the migraines. The imitrex worked for a while... then didnt anymore.

The topomax I took at bedtime and the next day I felt hungover. Sometimes even still drunk. Not the type of swervy drunk but the inability to make a straight line or stay on task. I was in a fog.

Some side effects of the Topomax are the same as id been already encountering like disorientation. Word finding troubles and similar things . I quit taking it mid may when I ran out and didn't have the money to refill the script. I think that was like $60. (In all ibpay around $200. A month after insurance.I just had to take on a car payment in April and  increased car premiums. Buying meds is definitely a source for financial struggles.After stopping the Topomax i should have returned to some normal function. But afterward is when my nightmare started slipping deeper and deeper. This is when the alarming incidents started to happen.

Dyslexia. Sometimes acute. Most times minor. Beyond your basic typo or visual error. Legit. Research. Adult onset dyslexia is a result of acute brain damage. In my head I'm shouting.. maybe its just the meds.

Aphasia, word finding and word jumbling issues. Ive been doing that. but its far worse. In almost feel at times like I have tourettes.

Then comes the memory. Inability to remember passwords. Crucial dates. Appointments. Inability to log in to work based programs or know what to do to get to or complete simple tasks . There's more. Much more.   But some I just cant share.

My first long term adult job was as the caregiver to an elderly couple and the woman had Alzheimer's. Over the years Ive worked home health with dementia patients and I was having episodes mirroring the observations Id had over the years in that field.
35. At this point.. 35 years old. Again.. a year ago I was on the Deans list. I ACED College PSYCHOLOGY CLASSES! I was not only on top of the game but ahead if it working two peoples jobs plus a part time gig and photography sessions that had been coming up....

From all that and a bag of chips a year ago...
To a crumpled bag of stale crumbs.

I've been humbled, for sure!!!

With these other effects I've also had an increase in the headaches again. As well as the return of nausea and overall fatigue.

My glint of light and ability to sort of focus and be productive again was waning and I was losing myself in this battle. Unrecognizable to myself anymore.

June 4th I returned to my neurologist. DR CAMBIER. she thought some of the effects may have been due to the Topomax... but most all signs of the Pseudotumor in its horrible form.
Another tap to be scheduled to...pull off some pressure...

I went in bravely. Not nervous. Grateful for the chance at relief before it got worse like before. 

The Dr was great though I cant recall his name. He didn't seem as effortless with his skill in the procedure as Dr Ryan had but still good. He actually had a hard time getting the needle in. This led to a few days of chronic back pain and overall sense of the flu.

I went in that morning with a level 6 headache. Somewhere amid the procedure as the Dr had me on my side with a syringe hanging off a needle in my spine I felt a pulling, cramping pain in my buttock. Before I could speak of it it went to my right foot and instantly as if a light was being flipped on.. my headache went completely away and the light above me got ten shades brighter. Another glint of light. That waned quickly thereafter.

This past Thursday.. one week and two days post lumbar puncture... I went to my GP with a level 4-6 headache that had been present for days.

We spoke of my overall being and my experiences I watched as the gentle, compassionate health care professional teared up hearing me speak of my struggles, the frustration and the fears in dealing with this disease.

The talk that followed was a serious game changer. One I for one am still floored by two days later... when I'm home, just as each time in his 6years of life that i have been seriously ill or broken hearted, Sammy won't let me out of his sight or more than a few inches away.
HE has become my anchor!!!

The Drowning Brain

When Jessica told me about the intracranial hypertension, she told me I had too much cerebralspinal fluid around my brain. She told me had they not caught it in time, I may have gone blind in 2-3 years, so we were fortunate.

Jessica spoke of the hope for treatment and return to normal life, and gave me an antidepressant because clearly I was sad. Celexa. 20mg. It didn't alter my feeling or make me feel anything but a little less down, and facing this reality of a this diagnosis that has no cure- I was grateful for a little regulation of my emotions.

She gave me the generic for Diamox- 250 mg twice a day. Diamox is a special waterpill designed for fluid in the brain and it provided a minimal, but noticeable effect as well- once I got through the intense pins and needles in my extremities having me up dancing and whooping and howling out in disdain at the effect... but if it was going to be a course off of the migraines, I was great about it.

She also gave me the paperwork and a referral to a Neurologist in Delaware she highly recommended and had me coming back to see her in a month.

I read the paperwork thoroughly I examined my MRI scan result. I researched

Hope. There's not a lot of it. But there's a chance for it, so I choose it.
Hope that the meds will help. Realization that some do go into remission and never experience the issue again. Hope that I could be one of those people!
I read about the alternate names Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension - (idiopathic, meaning no known cause)
I read about different cases of it, different symptoms and different studies. Different treatments.
Hope. I was armed with it. A fighter attitude I'd learned from my Pops, I was not giving up without a fight. Not letting my disease dictate my life.

I was determined to only take a short break from school and return fully when things were back on track Summer seemed like a logical term. I was hopeful! I was determined.

I went to meet Dr. Denise Cambier at Ohio Health in Delaware. Also a lovely woman. Ib went in with my brother, Chuck in tow. He was a comedien, as always! But he gave me the ultimate hope of all... reminded me I am Warren Johnsons kid and dammit, we aren't a one of us in anything we go through alone, and to remember he is there for me. Always. True story!
Dr Cambier ordered a Lumbar Puncture. AKA Spinal Tap. She explained a lot about the disease and the migraines. She doubled my Diamox and added something for daily suppressant of the migraines. Topomax. She told me to take 2 Aleve and an allergy pill daily to help She also prescribed something for the nausea, which in the end makes me pass out, so I only take that if I don't have to work. I still work two Jobs!

The topomax was definitely interesting- but lets get the the procedure first. The procedure was ordered to be a test, to see where my spinal pressure was, and to draw off some spinal fluid to be used for testing This is the only confirmation of the disease, and while it was evident in the MRI scan, it still has to be confirmed. This was my second opinion.

Dr. Ryan at Grady Hospital. A kind man with a gentle disposition, and joking nature. God, I am grateful for your Grace! This was a great and gentle man who told me that he used a normal spinal needle (not the huge ones they usually use for the obese) and he went in between L3-L-4. He also drained off 20cc of spinal fluid and told me to expect some relief from that! That hope alone made the sense my spine was being pressed through my abdominal wall a little less dreadful.

It didn't happen right away, but over the next half an hour or so, I dropped from a level 5 headache Id had for 4 months by now, to about a 3-4. ive become a master ay guaging my pain. Ive had to.

but here we are... with HOPE! there was HOPE! MAYBE THIS WAS IT!!!
He confirmed I had the Pseudotumor and determined that the drainage provided some relief! Maybe I was going to be one of those cases where they caught it early and got on top of it quick! Maybe I wouldn't go blind, and wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life in misery, and feeling like I was losing my mind because I couldn't focus or concentrate or do the basics I needed each day to live...

Reality is that the initial relief  hasnt lasted but it sure helped! Trust me when I say when you deal long term with an illness which dictates your life you become master at trying to cope.

THE Topomax... Made me feel drunk . Not happy drunk but awkward dopey drunk.

Suspicion came that this was med was the cause of the horrible effects that came next....

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Little Over a Year Ago...

You know how in the movies you have this subtitle that says "six months earlier" or "six months later" well.. this is my subtitle...

"A little over a year ago..."

A little over a year ago, I was a normal 35 year old woman on top of my world. I had decided to take my life in my own hands after some very serious trauma a few years before...  I was kicking ass and takin' names at my full time job, working a part time job, going to school fulltime and maintaining a Deans list standing. I was tired of course, but I was thriving on this- and kicking ass at it!

I was healing from my grief of losing my rock, my hero, my father in 2011... and had regained so much I had given up three years prior when my dad was ill. I had lived in Indy, but moved home to Galion OH with his car loaded with my personal possessions and gave up everything I owned aside from some clothes, photos and personal mementos; including my credit and a car that was not yet paid off, to be his sole caregiver in the end months of his life. When he died a part of me went with him. But I had done well to heal from those wounds!

Lets go back in time a little further..

In 2011, after my Dad passed and I struggled a few months to make ends meet, I was blessed with an amazing opportunity both personally and professionally and I went to work for a Children Services Agency. I found myself at home with such amazing coworkers, mentors and friends. I got to work alongside a close family friend who was my partner, teaching me the ins and outs of my job patiently. I thrived in my position and was given additional responsibility. In short, I rocked it out!

I had been voted 2013 employee of the year in my department and I honestly felt like I was a great worker. I was hard working, dependable, personable and the little tykes all loved their Angie. Toddler hugs was one of my favorite perks o the job you see! (still is!)

Early in 2014, I had started college. My plan was to get my bachelors in applied psychology, move on to a graduate degree in counseling psychology and eventually take it to the limit with a doctorate. I was doing well in my courses and it all came so natural and easy to me. I took great pride in this, because I finally knew for sure what I wanted and I was going after it with fervor!

My partner retired in February of 2014, and her replacement started in mid April. I rocked the time out in the middle with grace and felt confident each and every day that I was doing two peoples jobs quite well. I ha some ailments through this month, and it wasn't without stress.. but I was rocking it!

In May, stress started to get to me at home, partly that I was having a hard time focusing on things and home life was less than ideal. My lover of the past 2 years had been gone since January and I missed him terribly. Round about June , we found out his assignment was becoming permanent, keeping him half way across the country, so when I started to have a hard time focusing, I attributed it a bit to depression. I was depressed. I was crying all the time. I had just moved into a beautiful new apartment, had purchased a decent used car that I was proud of how my life was coming together, despite the love of my life being pushed out of it. He was distant about some things in his life so me moving there was a thought in my head, but never an option delivered from him. Hard to deal with, but acceptable. I was still kicking butt at school, but starting to struggle. Work was also becoming a challenge with some of the duties- not all... but my ability to focus was shifting. It was getting harder to motivate myself to do certain things that required any concentration. I attributed most of that to the hectic daily schedule of supervised visitation and the inability to focus and concentrate on detailed paperwork and funding applications while there were so many crazy wild kiddos running around!

It was slow at first. I thought if I got on an antidepressant, perhaps it would help me focus and concentrate and motivate. The med the Dr put me on was too much and caused vomiting and intense stomach ailment, so I stopped the Effexor pretty quickly. I dealt with the depression as best I could and felt like maybe I was going to be okay, but that I wasn't yet.

The headaches were present, but not so intense that I couldn't bare it. Sometimes I would need to take off work because of them.   The nausea and vomiting came on often enough I was missing work randomly. Other days I just couldn't muster my energy or my ability to do anything and would call off sick then as well. It was hard to get out of bed and move along some days! I just didn't know why. Again, this was attributed to the depression and stress.

I had blurry eyes from time to time and a difficulty seeing. By early fall, the headaches were frequent, as were the intense nausea and vomiting was increasing as well.

Things came to a head with the relationship in the end of October and it ended abruptly and completely. I cried it out for a full two days and then was okay. It had been a long time coming anyway. Most of all, I miss my friend but life goes on. In my mind, I had school and work and life to concentrate on, so I would be fine.

Two weeks later- I started noticing that my headache was a level five headache on the scale of 1-10. By Thanksgiving, I noticed that the headache never alleviated at all, and nothing I took helped it most of the time.

Schoolwork was becoming impossible and work duties were as well. I would notice if I tried to concentrate on anything my headache would move to a level 7-8 headache which I noticed was where the nausea would peak. If I pushed a little more, I would get to a 8-9 where vomiting would come on if I vomited at all.. but level 10. That's where I would go if I forced myself to focus too long on something.

I've had medical issues before and would push through stubbornly, but this ... this was like a board to the skull and would put me in bed for sometimes up to a few days at a time. More sick time gone. More vacation time expended being sick.

I had failed one of my classes for the fall- which for the Dean List student... that was a huge blow to my confidence, and my pride. I was ashamed! I couldn't figure out why it was so difficult! The work wasn't hard and I should have made this class an Easy A. The work would have been so simple. I just couldn't get it done! The other class I was in, should have been an easier A. I got a C in that class. Why ? Again more wounded pride. More broken hearted. What was wrong with me? I was losing my mind!?

Come January, I finally stopped being stubborn and called the Dr. The headache had never alleviated, and this was two months now of constant 5 and higher painful headaches.

It was a new Dr. for me to go to, so took a few weeks to get in

Early February. The headaches were intensifying, along with the light sensitivity. I was basically like a walking freaking zombie. I turned off my lights in the office and closed the blinds most of he time, which drove my partner crazy!

Alas... I saw Jessica Toland at Dr. Aurora's office in Marion, OH. She is wonderful. Just simply WONDERFUL.

Did I mention I have a mass on my forehead too? A large lump which had been growing over the course of the past year as well! I was convinced it was a tumor! It is. btw- just benign! Just xtra tissue and whatnot. Fabulous. (sarcasm!? maybe) I call it my goiter!

Jessica sent me to get an MRI. First, they confirmed I do in fact, have a brain (I know my three brothers were a little shocked!)

The results were in quickly and I was called in to talk to Jessica within just a few days!

It was then where something came I didn't ever dream of...

 I was diagnosed with a pretty significant (rare) Neurological Disorder.

Pseudo Tumor Cerebri.
False Brain Tumor

A disease that mimics the effects of a large brain tumor and often times can lead to blindness.
My MRI showed narrowing of the optic sheath, so my vision was in danger.

I'm 35 at this point. I have a condition that mimics a brain tumor and I may go blind?

No! Please No! I'm too young and alive for all of this!!!